CN ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > Chuming Pharmaceutical Limited
Calcium Dobesilate Monohydrate Inquire
CAS NO:117552-78-0; 20123-80-2;   MF:2(C6H5O5S)¡¤Ca¡¤H2O
Sofosbuvir Inquire
CAS NO:1190307-88-0 ;   MF:C22H29FN3O9P
- CAS No. 1190307-88-0 - Category: API - Standard: In house - Cryst...
Antipyrine Inquire
CAS NO:60-80-0 ;   MF:C11H12N2O
- CAS No. 60-80-0 - Category: API - Standard: USP/BP/EP/CP - Certif...
Isopropyl Antipyrine Inquire
CAS NO:479-92-5 ;   MF:C14H18N2O
Clindamycin Hcl Inquire
CAS NO:21462-39-5 ;   MF:C18H34Cl2N2O5S
Ascorbic Acid Inquire
CAS NO:50-81-7;   MF:C6H8O6
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)- CAS No. 50-81-7- Category: API - Standar...
Tetracaine HCl Inquire
CAS NO:136-47-0;   MF:C15H25ClN2O2
- CAS No. 136-47-0 - Category: API - Standard: BP2000/USP39 - Certi...
Ciprofloxacin Lactate Inquire
CAS NO:97867-33-9;   MF:C20H24FN3O6
Certificate: DML/GMP
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