ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > BioGin Biochemicals Co.,Ltd
5-HTP Inquire
CAS NO:4350-09-8;   MF:C11H12N2O3
5-HTP can be used to Treat insomnia and depression,support brain he...
Apigenin Inquire
CAS NO:520-36-5;   MF:C15H10O5
Apigenin can be used for antioxidant,healthy skin management
Acetyl-resveratrol Inquire
CAS NO:63366-83-6;   MF:C20H18O6
Acetyl-resveratrol can be used for antioxidant,atherosclerosis and ...
Aloin Inquire
CAS NO:1415-73-2;   MF:C21H22O9
Aloin can be used for stimulant-laxative,treating constipation/inte...
Berberine Inquire
CAS NO:633-66-9;   MF:C20H18NO4
Berberine can be used for anti-bacteria,cholesterol manaement/inter...
Ceramide Inquire
CAS NO:104404-17-3;   MF:C36H71NO3
Ceramide can be used for Support skin health
Dicetaxel Inquire
CAS NO:114977-28-5;
Docetaxel can be used for anti-tumor
Camptothecin Inquire
CAS NO:7689-03-4;   MF:C16H23N5O4
Camptothecin can be used for phamaceutical intermediates for antica...
Capsaicin Inquire
CAS NO:404-86-4;   MF:C18H27NO3
Capsaicin can be used for pain reliver,weight management
Chrysin Inquire
CAS NO:480-40-0;   MF:C15H10O4
Chrysin can be used for antioxidant,weight management
Resveratrol Inquire
CAS NO:501-36-0;   MF:C14H12O3
Resveratrol can be used for antioxidant,therosclerosis and cancer m...
Geniposide Inquire
CAS NO:24512-63-8;   MF:C17H24O10
Geniposide can be used for eliminate dampness,relieve restlessness
Huperzine A Inquire
CAS NO:102518-79-6;   MF:C15H18N2O
Huperzine A can be used for support brain health ,improve cognitive...
Horenine Inquire
CAS NO:593-15-1;
Horenine can be used for antioxidant,anti-inflammatory,anti-tumor
Fucoxanthin Inquire
CAS NO:3351-86-9;   MF:C42H60O7
Fucoxanthin can be used for weight loss,anti-diabetes
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