CN ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > Wenzhou AoTeLai Chemical Co., Ltd.
Plum Red(B) Inquire
1:2 metal complex dyes is a soluble in aromatic, ester, styrene, methyl methacrylate and other organic solvents (almost insoluble in water) of th...
Plum Red Inquire
CAS NO:solvent Yellow 82;
1:2 metal complex dyes is a soluble in aromatic, ester, styrene, me...
Green Inquire
CAS NO:solvent Yellow 21 ;
1:2 metal complex dyes is a soluble in aromatic, ester, styrene, me...
Prim Rose Green Inquire
CAS NO:solvent Yellow 77 ;
1:2 metal complex dyes is a soluble in aromatic, ester, styrene, me...
Green Yellow Inquire
CAS NO:solvent Yellow 162 ;
1:2 metal complex dyes is a soluble in aromatic, ester, styrene, me...
Green Black Inquire
CAS NO:solvent Yellow 62 ;
1:2 metal complex dyes is a soluble in aromatic, ester, styrene, me...
Green Gade Inquire
CAS NO:solvent Yellow 54 ;
1:2 metal complex dyes is a soluble in aromatic, ester, styrene, me...
Prim Rose Blue Inquire
1:2 metal complex dyes is a soluble in aromatic, ester, styrene, methyl methacrylate and other organic solvents (almost insoluble in water) of th...
Prim Rose Violet Inquire
CAS NO:solvent Red 117 ;
1:2 metal complex dyes is a soluble in aromatic, ester, styrene, me...
Violet(B) Inquire
CAS NO:solvent Red 122 ;
1:2 metal complex dyes is a soluble in aromatic, ester, styrene, me...
Violet(R) Inquire
CAS NO:solvent Red 8 ;
1:2 metal complex dyes is a soluble in aromatic, ester, styrene, me...
Brown Inquire
1:2 metal complex dyes is a soluble in aromatic, ester, styrene, methyl methacrylate and other organic solvents (almost insoluble in water) of th...
Bronje Greed Inquire
1:2 metal complex dyes is a soluble in aromatic, ester, styrene, methyl methacrylate and other organic solvents (almost insoluble in water) of th...
Bronje Red Inquire
1:2 metal complex dyes is a soluble in aromatic, ester, styrene, methyl methacrylate and other organic solvents (almost insoluble in water) of th...
Coffee Inquire
CAS NO:84650-00-0;
1:2 metal complex dyes is a soluble in aromatic, ester, styrene, me...
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