ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > Cia. Quimica Industrial Neumann S.A. de C.V.
Cupric sulfate Inquire
CAS NO:7758-98-7;10124-44-4;   MF:CuSO4
Diammonium citrate Inquire
CAS NO:3012-65-5;   MF:C6H14N2O7
Dipotassium citrate Inquire
Ferric persulfate Inquire
Ferric sesquisulfate Inquire
Ferrous sulfate Inquire
CAS NO:7720-78-7;   MF:FeSO4
Kieserite Inquire
CAS NO:14567-64-7;   MF:MgSO4¡¤H2O
Magnesium oxide Inquire
CAS NO:1309-48-4;   MF:MgO
Magnesium sulfate Inquire
CAS NO:7487-88-9;139939-75-6;   MF:MgSO4
Manganous carbonate Inquire
CAS NO:598-62-9;   MF:MnCO3
Potassium acetate Inquire
CAS NO:127-08-2;   MF:C2H3KO2
Potassium acid citrate Inquire
CAS NO:866-84-2;7778-49-6;   MF:C6H5K3O7
Potassium citrate Inquire
CAS NO:866-84-2;7778-49-6;   MF:C6H5K3O7
Potassium hydrogen citrate Inquire
Potassium iodide Inquire
CAS NO:7681-11-0;   MF:KI
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