CN ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > Shanghai Experiment Reagent Co.,LTD.
Ammonia sulfate Inquire
CAS NO:7783-20-2;   MF:(NH4)2¡¤SO4
Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate Inquire
CAS NO:7722-76-1;   MF:NH4¡¤H2PO4
Ammonium carbonate Inquire
CAS NO:506-87-6;10361-29-2;   MF:(NH4)2CO3
Ammonium metavanadate Inquire
CAS NO:7803-55-6;   MF:NH4VO3
Ammonium tartrate Inquire
CAS NO:3164-29-2;   MF:C4H12N2O6
N-Methylaniline Inquire
CAS NO:100-61-8;   MF:C7H9N
Acetamide Inquire
CAS NO:60-35-5;   MF:C2H5NO
anhydrous Inquire
Caprolactam Inquire
CAS NO:105-60-2;   MF:C6H11NO
Diethanolamine Inquire
CAS NO:111-42-2;   MF:C4H11NO2
Diethylenetriamine Inquire
CAS NO:111-40-0;   MF:C4H13N3
Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide Inquire
CAS NO:538-75-0;   MF:C13H22N2
Diphenylamine Inquire
CAS NO:122-39-4;   MF:C12H11N
Thiamine hydrochloride Inquire
CAS NO:67-03-8;   MF:C12H17ClN4OS.HCl
Aniline hydrochloride Inquire
CAS NO:142-04-1;   MF:C6H8ClN
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