ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > Sinochem Hebei (Tianjin) Import & Export Corporation.
Acesulfame K Inquire
CAS NO:55589-62-3;   MF:C4H4KNO4S
Alginic acid Inquire
CAS NO:9005-32-7;   MF:C14H22O13
Aluminium hydroxide Inquire
CAS NO:21645-51-2;   MF:Al(OH)3
Aluminum fluoride anhydrous Inquire
Aluminum hydroxide Inquire
CAS NO:21645-51-2;   MF:Al(OH)3
Aluminum phosphate Inquire
CAS NO:7784-30-7;13765-93-0;   MF:AlO4P
Ammonium metavanadate Inquire
CAS NO:7803-55-6;   MF:NH4VO3
Ammonium Persulphate Inquire
CAS NO:7727-54-0;   MF:(NH4)2S2O8
Anthraquinone Inquire
CAS NO:84-65-1;   MF:C14H8O2
Baicalin Inquire
CAS NO:21967-41-9;100647-26-5;   MF:C21H18O11
Barium metaborate Inquire
CAS NO:13701-59-2;   MF:B2Ba3O6
Barium molybdate Inquire
CAS NO:7787-37-3;   MF:BaMoO4
Bentonite Inquire
CAS NO:1302-78-9;   MF:C6H12N4O9
Borax Inquire
CAS NO:1303-96-4;   MF:H20B4Na2O17
Calcium Hydrogen Phosphate Inquire
CAS NO:7757-93-9;   MF:CaHPO4
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