CN ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > grandachem Ltd.
Color Developer CD2 Inquire
CAS NO:2051-79-8;   MF:C11H18N2¡¤HCl
Color Developer CD3 Inquire
Color Developer CD4 Inquire
CAS NO:25646-77-9;   MF:C11H18N2O¡¤H2SO4
EDTA Inquire
CAS NO:60-00-4;   MF:C10H16N2O8
2,3-Dihydrofuran Inquire
CAS NO:1191-99-7;   MF:C4H6O
Tranexamic acid Inquire
CAS NO:1197-18-8;   MF:C8H15NO2
Product Name: Tranexamic Acid Chemical Name: 4-(aminomethyl)cyclohe...
Tranexamic acid Inquire
CAS NO:1197-18-8;   MF:C8H15NO2
Product Name: Tranexamic Acid Chemical Name: 4-(aminomethyl)cyclohe...
Tranexamic acid Inquire
CAS NO:1197-18-8;   MF:C8H15NO2
Product Name: Tranexamic Acid Chemical Name: 4-(aminomethyl)cyclohe...
MACM Inquire
CAS NO:6864-37-5;   MF:C15H30N2
Molecular Formula: C15H30N2 Molecular Weight: 238.32 CAS: 6864-37-5...
Di-tert-butyl dicarbonate Inquire
CAS NO:24424-99-5;   MF:C10H18O5
PRODUCT NAME: Di-tert-butyl dicarbonate CAS NO.: 24424-99-5Molecula...
Triphenylmethanol Inquire
CAS NO:74-84-6;   MF:C19H16O
PRODUCT NAME:Triphenylmethanol CAS NO.: 74-84-6
MBOEA Inquire
CAS NO:19900-65-3;   MF:C17H21NO
Product Name: 4,4'-Methylene-bis(2-ethylaniline)Molecular Weight: 2...
Hydroxylamine Sulfate Inquire
CAS NO:10039-54-0;   MF:2(H3NO).H2SO4
Apperance: Colorless crystallineMelting point:172℃Molecular Form...
Piracetam Inquire
CAS NO:7491-74-9;   MF:C6H10N2O2
CAS No.:7491-74-9Chemical Name: 2-(2-Oxopyrrolidino) acetamideMolec...
Naphazoline Hydrochloride Inquire
CAS NO:500-99-2;   MF:C14H15N2Cl
CAS No.: 500-99-2Chemical Name: Phloroglucinol dimethyl ether 3,5-d...
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