CN ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > Changzhou Xuanming Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.(Changzhou Xuanming chemical Co., Ltd.)
Etravirine Inquire
CAS NO:269055-15-4;   MF:C20H15BrN6O
Pidotimod Inquire
CAS NO:121808-62-6;   MF:C9H12N2O4S
Dabigatran Etexilate Mesylate Inquire
CAS NO:872728-81-9;   MF:C34H41N7O5¡¤CH4O3S
Erlotinib hydrochloride Inquire
CAS NO:183319-69-9;   MF:C22H24ClN3O4
Avanafil Inquire
CAS NO:330784-47-9;   MF:C23H26ClN7O3
Candesartan cilexetil Inquire
CAS NO:145040-37-5;   MF:C33H34N6O6
Azilsartan Inquire
CAS NO:147403-03-0;   MF:C25H20N4O5
Trelagliptin succinate Inquire
CAS NO:1029877-94-8;   MF:C22H26FN5O6
Febuxostat Inquire
CAS NO:144060-53-7;   MF:C16H16N2O3S
5-Fluorouracil Inquire
CAS NO:51-21-8;   MF:C4H3FN2O2
Iron saccharate Inquire
CAS NO:8047-67-4;   MF:C6H8FeO8
Propranolol hydrochloride Inquire
CAS NO:318-98-9;   MF:C16H22ClNO2
Dipyridamole Inquire
CAS NO:58-32-2;   MF:C24H40N8O4
Ezetimibe Inquire
CAS NO:163222-33-1;   MF:C24H21F2NO3
Sertraline hydrochloride Inquire
CAS NO:79559-97-0;   MF:C17H18Cl3N
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