the Top 200 drugs in the American market since 1999

TOP 200 drugs

  • Name API   Classifications
  • Lorazepam
    Type: generic
    classifications: Nervous System>Psycholeptics
    Tendency of Lorazepam
    Years 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
    Sales 512953 530084 536468 524780 507094 396634 371132 363573 356210 339743 294292
    Ranks by Sales 3 4 7 8 12 12 16 25 28 32 43
    Prescriptions 16015 16842 17702 17453 17545 18436 19002 19789 21022 22043 22436
    Ranks by Prescriptions 16 15 15 16 18 17 18 19 23 23 28

  • Alprazolam
    Type: generic
    classifications: Nervous System>Psycholeptics
    Tendency of Alprazolam
    Years 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
    Sales 426482 489753 598903 635184 750011 396182 351629 426531 454228 467609 522978
    Ranks by Sales 5 6 5 6 7 13 18 23 24 25 23
    Prescriptions 24399 27073 29210 29236 29934 32779 34230 37327 40914 43586 44467
    Ranks by Prescriptions 9 5 6 6 8 7 7 7 9 8 9

  • Clorazepate Dipot
    Type: generic
    API:potassium clorazepate
    classifications: Nervous System>Psycholeptics
    Tendency of Clorazepate Dipot
    Years 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
    Sales 118413 117470 109508 95842 85233 62354 52261 45470
    Ranks by Sales 39 44 62 85 100 121 142 165
    Prescriptions 2133 1991 1845 1621 1465 1416 1341
    Ranks by Prescriptions 103 123 144 158 167 172 192

  • Diazepam
    Type: generic
    classifications: Nervous System>Psycholeptics
    Tendency of Diazepam
    Years 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
    Sales 89546 100210 111830 118482 121696 107867 107401 117972 123189 119556 122778
    Ranks by Sales 52 55 59 67 74 72 81 81 84 97 105
    Prescriptions 10687 11212 11590 11265 11248 11822 12093 12764 13460 13870 13957
    Ranks by Prescriptions 24 25 24 30 32 32 35 41 44 41 45

  • Temazepam
    Type: generic
    classifications: Nervous System>Psycholeptics
    Tendency of Temazepam
    Years 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
    Sales 84062 93513 96673 96250 102048 75546 77339 79307 81377 84727 121066
    Ranks by Sales 56 62 72 84 89 108 109 114 126 130 107
    Prescriptions 6019 6276 6473 6201 6247 7150 7570 7396 7878 7911 9001
    Ranks by Prescriptions 41 38 43 47 49 52 53 60 65 69 63

  • Prochlorperaz Mal
    Type: generic
    API:Prochlorperazine Maleate
    classifications: Nervous System>Psycholeptics
    Tendency of Prochlorperaz Mal
    Years 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
    Sales 59859 63598 57489 51987 47590 36434 32488
    Ranks by Sales 75 83 105 130 143 167 192
    Prescriptions 2615 2760 2529 2256 2054 1948 1919 1907 1983
    Ranks by Prescriptions 90 89 107 118 133 143 155 165 173

  • Hydroxyzine
    Type: generic
    classifications: Nervous System>Psycholeptics
    Tendency of Hydroxyzine
    Years 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
    Sales 43717 47063 51600 99109 168562 148880 145083 141081 136843 145261 141445
    Ranks by Sales 98 102 113 82 59 60 68 69 74 76 91
    Prescriptions 6059 6159 6230 5893 5808 5668 5725 5901 6129 5978 6028
    Ranks by Prescriptions 40 39 45 48 53 60 65 72 79 82 87

  • Thioridazine HCl
    Type: generic
    API:Thioridazine Hydrochloride
    classifications: Nervous System>Psycholeptics
    Tendency of Thioridazine HCl
    Years 1999 2000
    Sales 34988 28833
    Ranks by Sales 116 148
    Prescriptions 1511 1203
    Ranks by Prescriptions 147 172

  • Lithium Carbonate
    Type: generic
    API:Lithium Carbonate
    classifications: Nervous System>Psycholeptics
    Tendency of Lithium Carbonate
    Years 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
    Sales 33095 42933 42087 38563 48249 66949 68083 69360 68153
    Ranks by Sales 123 115 130 151 142 115 119 125 137
    Prescriptions 2257 2410 2331 2116 2331 3058 3169 3417 3566 2352 2299
    Ranks by Prescriptions 101 101 116 127 118 96 106 108 117 164 183

  • Oxazepam
    Type: generic
    classifications: Nervous System>Psycholeptics
    Tendency of Oxazepam
    Years 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
    Sales 32912 32333 29844 31858 31240
    Ranks by Sales 124 141 167 170 188
    Prescriptions 972 922
    Ranks by Prescriptions 182 197

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